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With the environment and nature changing before our eyes due to the climate crisis, many people worry about the consequences for our future. This concern, when it takes on added urgency, is sometimes referred to as “eco-anxiety”.
Has anyone ever advised you to “layer up like an onion” for an outdoor activity? While it may sound strange, “layering up” is the way to go if you want to be neither hot nor cold!
FitSpirit would like to extend a huge thank you to its Builder and Committed partners. Their generosity allows thousands of teenage girls to benefit from its flagship program: a non-competitive multisport team open to all girls and youth who identify with the FitSpirit approach. Learn more about our Builder and Committed partners!
Spring has sprung! Whether to clear your head between homework assignments or spend a Saturday afternoon with friends, there is always a good reason to plan an outing!
Since it was founded, in 2007, FitSpirit has been promoting the inclusion of youth regardless of their abilities, weight, physical condition, ethnic or religious background, functional limitations, as well as gender identity or sexual orientation. FitSpirit aims for its approach to best meet the needs of the various demographics it serves, including adolescent girls from Indigenous communities. Thanks to the collaboration with Manulife, FitSpirit is developing partnerships with organizations representing the First Nations of Quebec and Indigenous high schools to directly contribute to the health and well-being of young girls in these communities.
My name is Élisabeth Lagacé, or Éli to those who know me well. After my initial visit to Indigenous territory in Opitciwan and Mashteuiatsh last August with the Ancestors’ Challenge, the team at the First Nations Education Council (FNEC) suggested that we duplicate the experience in the fall, but with a new wrinkle: a moment under the FitSpirit banner for girls in high school. True to form, I immediately said yes!
Our colleague Élisabeth took take part in the Ancestors' Challenge in the communities of Opitciwan, on the banks of the majestic Gouin Reservoir, and Mashteuiatsh, on the west shore of Lac-Saint-Jean at the end of August! Find out what she had the chance to experience, and what she remembers about it, here.
FitSpirit would like to thank its Builder and Committed partners whose generosity allows thousands of teenage girls to participate in its program offered in high schools throughout the regions of Quebec.
Léane is 14. Both her parents work full-time. Come summer, they go swimming at their friends’ place. Which pretty much sums up the family’s relationship with physical activity. With the exception of her brother, who plays hockey during winter and soccer during the summer. Sometimes, Léane goes to watch him play.
Thanks to the support of many partners, FitSpirit celebrated its 15th anniversary last spring. For this occasion, FitSpirit would like to thank its partners who help ensure the success of its various projects and events.
FitSpirit is pleased to announce the nomination of Julie Meloche as Executive Director.
We are proud to announce that the Fédération des éducateurs et éducatrices physiques enseignants du Québec (The Quebec Federation of Physical Education Teachers, or the FÉÉPEQ) is now a partner of FitSpirit!
If you want to know what to put in your breakfast before a sports activity of long duration, it's here!
Don't know what to eat before training? Check out some meal and snack ideas here!
As the temperature goes down, so does thirst. But that doesn’t mean we should cut down on fluids. The body loses water when we sweat, breathe and go to the bathroom. And since cold weather stimulates urine production, we actually lose more water this way in winter. Proper hydration is important to keep you feeling good and performing your best during physical activity.
Find out how to stay hydrated during physical activity.
Do you want to reduce your environmental footprint by eating less meat? Do you simply not like meat and want to switch to plant-based sources of protein? Whatever your reasons may be, these three tips will help you cut your meat consumption in a healthy way.
Winter is definitely here and people who are sensitive to cold (like me!) may be tempted to stay indoors under the covers instead of working out in the great outdoors. But to enjoy all that the season has to offer (and get some vitamin D at the same time) it’s good to get out of the house and get some exercise in the sun. Here are three tips for keeping warm while doing winter sports!
A ramen soup for lunch is definitely comforting! Unfortunately, ramen is not really a complete meal. If you have just ramen soup for lunch, you may run out of energy in the afternoon. Find out how to make it more nutritious and filling!
During training, we loose water and minerals in our sweat, we spend energy and require repeated and intense efforts from our muscles. Therefore, after a workout it is essential to restore all of these elements.