FitSpirit School Leaders

Lyne Thériault: Encouraging girls to be active!


11 years ago, Lyne Thériault, a recreation technician and social worker at Sainte-Famille school / aux Trois-Chemins in the Outaouais, fell in love with FitSpirit. Inspired by its mission, she became the school’s FitSpirit group leader. As she looks back on all of these years, Lyne is still motivated by the role she cherishes and is determined more than ever to get her girls active in order to make a difference in their lives.

Make physical activity a priority for girls

Lyne firmly believed that FitSpirit could provide many benefits for teenage girls from the start. To encourage as many girls as possible to participate in FitSpirit, she quickly convinced the administration that it should be included in extracurricular activities. As such, FitSpirit participants are able to meet at the last period of the school day, once a week, for various physical activities thanks to the organization of the school’s schedule. The formula, according to Lyne, is effective in increasing participation.

“FitSpirit is for all girls at the school. I want them to have fun, to spark passions in them. For me, this is a priority!”

Click HERE to read the full article (French only).